Our “SDGs” attempts
Below you can see how we are working on ways to achieve SDGs by 2030 – which was adopted by the United Nations in September 2015.

Contribution to medical industry
Pt based materials for medical devices :Thin-walled pipe cut in the shape of the ring, and springs made of extra fine wire.
●Processing results
Outer diameter:from0.3mm
Inner diameter:from0.02mm
●Processing results
Outer diameter:from0.3mm
Inner diameter: from0.04mm
Contribution to health and environmental conservation
For employee’s healthful working environment, we will completely ban on smoking on company property from January 1, 2022, based on WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco control.

Power reduction & Improvement of working environment
In order to reduce power and improve working environment, we promote gradual introduction of energy saving gas heat pump (GHP) Air conditioner.
Indoor unit(20h.p.)
Indoor unit(16h.p.)
Indoor unit(10h.p.)
Bulk tank for gases
Reference material
Contribution to CO2 emission reduction
We suppress CO2 emissions through aggressive power saving efforts and by switching light to LED.

Melting field /
Conversion from mercury lamp to LED

Ring molding site /
Conversion from fluorescent light to LED
Annual CO2 reduction as of March 2021
Before change : 8,253.59 ⇒ After change : 2,989.19 (kg-CO2)

Contribution to community
- ①Through donation to general incorporated associations “Foundation for the Protection of Deer in Nara Park”, we will continue activities to make a peaceful community that coexists with nature.
- ②Currently, about 300 people in Japan need the help of guide dogs. In order to help such people, we are cooperating with fund-raising activities to raise guide dogs through the Japan Guide Dog Association.
- ③As a member of “Ooedo Cleaning corps” in Taito-Ku, Tokyo, we volunteer local cleanup activities.

Contribution to effective utilization of resources and waste reduction
In order to use resources effectively and to reduce wastes, we collect used winding reels as much as possible, then cleaned thoroughly and reuse them.
logo of reel

Wire product

Wire product: state of being wound on a reel

Contribution to welfare industry
We also contribute to medical care and welfare indirectly through following groups.
【Donation activities to Japan Red Cross Society】
【Japan Committee, Vaccines for the world’s Children (JCV)’s PET bottle cap collection activity】
【”Used Stamp Campaign” by Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative Service(JOCS)】